
Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Scotland on the Eve of Independence and the BBC

s most of the world is now aware, tomorrow, 18th Spetmeber 2014, we in Scotland vote on our independence. I'm not sure how many of you are aware of the current situation in Scotland. We are not a democracy. Westminster rule s imposed upon us because our vote does not count against the vast majority of those south of the border. We are a more left wing country than our neighbours. We never vote for Conservative but time and again we have a Conservative government forced upon us.

In this last 4 years under that government, we have suffered a great deal. I am not saying we have suffered more than those in Eengland, Wales and N Ireland, but we are lucky enough to have the opportunity to free ourselves from this disaster.
I am also not saying we suffer like those in less 'lucky' countries. We do not have guns pointed at us, we are not suffering from a war on our land. But people are starving to death. And in one of the most oil rich countries in the world, that is a crime.

We had no say in the largest collection of nuclear weapons being stored just 25 miles away from our most densley populated area - this was forced upon us. We had no say in having to fork money out for this projet and many others, which in no way benefit the people of Scotland, but we have that forcd upon us. We had no say in entering an illegal war, but had that forced upon us. How can anyone call this a democracy? So we vote and I live in hope tht we vote Yes.

The media has been shocking as a whole but the BBC is the flagship of the Better Together (No) campaign. To quote someone on this 'It is now far beyond doubt that the BBC is acting in a manner more fitting a totalitarian régime than the broadcaster of a western liberal democracy.' -

We are witnessing the same propaganda used y the Nazis. I am not sayign we are in the same situation, we are not, bt the Nazis used a form of propaganda that the BBC and many of the main newspapers are using - covering up the truth, editing to make their point rather than show the truth. Now we know this is happening because, luckily, many other countries film the same interviews etc and showed the actual footage. One example is Nick Robinson of the BBC heckling Alex Salmond and then stating that he didn't answer the question, when everyone heard him answer the question (but the BBC did not show him answering this question). Another example is them covering the Orange march in Edinburgh, but ignoring the 10s of thousands of people gathered for a Yes campaign in cities across the country,, from Glasgow to Aberdeen, Inverness to Stirling.

The BBC, Cameron and Nigel Farage (now you know you're on the wrong side when you are joined by this bigotted idiot) have talked about separatism, anti-English hatred and how all Scots want to be free of England. These are all lies. I will not lie and say that there are not a few people who possiby think this way. There will be. But millions of Scots are voting for a fairer and just society, for our NHS and many other things. This has nothing to do with the English. Farage tries to make others look worse than his party because it suits him to have people scrutinise others while he gets up to his nasty business. Scotland is wholeheartedly disgusted by him and he and his ilk are not welcome here. English people are. They claim Alex Salmond is the Yes campaign. He is not, he is part of it. The amount of hate spewed over our First Minister is shocking, and it is the BBC and the No Campaign who are responsible for demonising a man who is simply trying to free his country from Westminster.

The No camp have been found out on several occasions for telling horrible lies and spreading fear. Telling Pensioners that they will lose their pensions. Lie. Telling EU memberes that they will be forced to leave Scotland if the Yes camp win - lie. Telling people they will lose their benefits if they vote Yes - lie. The sad trth is, people are more likely to lose if they vote No. Pensions are becoming worthless under Westminster governing - we have seen the value drop since 2010. EU members might not be welcome after a No vote because the UK wants to leave the EU, Scotland does not, so this is MORE likely to happen under a No vote. And we all know that undr these current 'austerity measures' benefitshave been gretly reduced, and in many cases stopped, resulting in people committing suicide. The No camp should be ashamed at themselves for this terrible campaign they have managed. 'Campaign Fear' indeed.

So tomorrow, I ask the people of Scotland to take a long, hard look at the situation we are in. Is this Better? is this really all we can hope to expect? Vote with your heart, with hope, rather than out of fear.

On another note, I have written a bit of a sexy witchy/werewolfy/vampirey book. If you like Charlaine Harris, Carrie Vaughn, Patricia Briggs, hopefully you'll like this. It is available on kindle and now in paperback.

My second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

My first book, The Stone in the Sword, is now reduced in price:

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