
Sunday, 28 December 2014

10 years on and New Year!

This Boxing Day marked the 10 year anniversary of the Tsunami that wiped many people from the lands around the Indian Ocean and caused massive devastation. Al Jazeera covered this very well - link.

Sadly, this Christmas, Asia has been hit by tragedy again, although, thankfully, on a much smaller scale. Another flight has gone missing - flying from Indonesia to Singapore - link.

And this for a little relief:

New Year is rapidly approaching. Stay safe and have a wonderful New Year xx

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scotland about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback: The Island of the Mist is book 2 The Stone in the Sword is book 1 The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats: The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Post September

I haven't been posting on here for a while because for a little while I was in shock. We had the chance to be a fairer, more inclusive nation and we said no thanks. We'll take child poverty, demonising the poor and immigrants and all the other garbage the UK government wants to throw at us.

Now we see the real Westminster. Human rights are to be abolished. We're to come out of Europe, we're to keep our mouths shut or we'll be called extremists and will be arrested for it (anything classed as anti-govt will be deemed extremist).

They have decided to ignore the voice of the people of the whole of the UK and go ahead with fracking, something NO ONE voted for. This island has gone to shit in a handbag. We are seeing the beginnings of a fascist state. Where the govt knows the people won't approve of what they are doing, so they decide to make it illegal to speak out against them! it is shocking to the extreme.

And now they come out with - 'Oh look, we found more oil' - pretending that they held this information back until after the referendum and calling Yes voters liars when we said we knew it was there. The BBC re equally responsible for lying to the people of Scotland and many people have already cancelled their tv licenses.

Westminster will lose Scotland if it keeps this crap up any longer.

On another note, I have written a bit of a sexy witchy/werewolfy/vampirey book. If you like Charlaine Harris, Carrie Vaughn, Patricia Briggs, hopefully you'll like this. It is available on kindle and now in paperback.

My second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

My first book, The Stone in the Sword, is now reduced in price:

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Scotland on the Eve of Independence and the BBC

s most of the world is now aware, tomorrow, 18th Spetmeber 2014, we in Scotland vote on our independence. I'm not sure how many of you are aware of the current situation in Scotland. We are not a democracy. Westminster rule s imposed upon us because our vote does not count against the vast majority of those south of the border. We are a more left wing country than our neighbours. We never vote for Conservative but time and again we have a Conservative government forced upon us.

In this last 4 years under that government, we have suffered a great deal. I am not saying we have suffered more than those in Eengland, Wales and N Ireland, but we are lucky enough to have the opportunity to free ourselves from this disaster.
I am also not saying we suffer like those in less 'lucky' countries. We do not have guns pointed at us, we are not suffering from a war on our land. But people are starving to death. And in one of the most oil rich countries in the world, that is a crime.

We had no say in the largest collection of nuclear weapons being stored just 25 miles away from our most densley populated area - this was forced upon us. We had no say in having to fork money out for this projet and many others, which in no way benefit the people of Scotland, but we have that forcd upon us. We had no say in entering an illegal war, but had that forced upon us. How can anyone call this a democracy? So we vote and I live in hope tht we vote Yes.

The media has been shocking as a whole but the BBC is the flagship of the Better Together (No) campaign. To quote someone on this 'It is now far beyond doubt that the BBC is acting in a manner more fitting a totalitarian régime than the broadcaster of a western liberal democracy.' -

We are witnessing the same propaganda used y the Nazis. I am not sayign we are in the same situation, we are not, bt the Nazis used a form of propaganda that the BBC and many of the main newspapers are using - covering up the truth, editing to make their point rather than show the truth. Now we know this is happening because, luckily, many other countries film the same interviews etc and showed the actual footage. One example is Nick Robinson of the BBC heckling Alex Salmond and then stating that he didn't answer the question, when everyone heard him answer the question (but the BBC did not show him answering this question). Another example is them covering the Orange march in Edinburgh, but ignoring the 10s of thousands of people gathered for a Yes campaign in cities across the country,, from Glasgow to Aberdeen, Inverness to Stirling.

The BBC, Cameron and Nigel Farage (now you know you're on the wrong side when you are joined by this bigotted idiot) have talked about separatism, anti-English hatred and how all Scots want to be free of England. These are all lies. I will not lie and say that there are not a few people who possiby think this way. There will be. But millions of Scots are voting for a fairer and just society, for our NHS and many other things. This has nothing to do with the English. Farage tries to make others look worse than his party because it suits him to have people scrutinise others while he gets up to his nasty business. Scotland is wholeheartedly disgusted by him and he and his ilk are not welcome here. English people are. They claim Alex Salmond is the Yes campaign. He is not, he is part of it. The amount of hate spewed over our First Minister is shocking, and it is the BBC and the No Campaign who are responsible for demonising a man who is simply trying to free his country from Westminster.

The No camp have been found out on several occasions for telling horrible lies and spreading fear. Telling Pensioners that they will lose their pensions. Lie. Telling EU memberes that they will be forced to leave Scotland if the Yes camp win - lie. Telling people they will lose their benefits if they vote Yes - lie. The sad trth is, people are more likely to lose if they vote No. Pensions are becoming worthless under Westminster governing - we have seen the value drop since 2010. EU members might not be welcome after a No vote because the UK wants to leave the EU, Scotland does not, so this is MORE likely to happen under a No vote. And we all know that undr these current 'austerity measures' benefitshave been gretly reduced, and in many cases stopped, resulting in people committing suicide. The No camp should be ashamed at themselves for this terrible campaign they have managed. 'Campaign Fear' indeed.

So tomorrow, I ask the people of Scotland to take a long, hard look at the situation we are in. Is this Better? is this really all we can hope to expect? Vote with your heart, with hope, rather than out of fear.

On another note, I have written a bit of a sexy witchy/werewolfy/vampirey book. If you like Charlaine Harris, Carrie Vaughn, Patricia Briggs, hopefully you'll like this. It is available on kindle and now in paperback.

My second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

My first book, The Stone in the Sword, is now reduced in price:

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Independence v Better Together

I have tried not to write too much about the upcoming referendum because I do like to try to stay neutral but given the blatant bias of the BBC I feel independent bloggers need to redress that balance where possible. The Better Together campaign and David Cameron continue to make up whatever they want, only to be caught in that lie, and they move on to the next one. Take Scotland and the EU. Cameron claimed that Junker would not allow Scotland into the EU - Better Together run with that, only to find that Junker came out and says that is not the case:

People in Scotland, be you Scottish, English, Irish, Welsh, Polish or any other nationality, need to ask themselves a few basic questions.

Do you want Nuclear Weapons in this country? If the answer is no, you should vote YES
Do you want to retain the NHS? If the answer is yes, you should vote YES
Do you think we should have a welfare system? If the answer is yes, you should vote YES
Do you want a greener Scotland (environmentally)? If yes, you should vote YES
Do you think of Scotland as a country rather than a region? If yes, then you should vote YES
Do you believe in democracy? If yes, then you should vote YES (a no means Scotland's votes remain null under a UK election)
Do you want another Tory government? If no, then you should vote YES
Do you want a country associated with UKIP? If no, then you should vote YES
If you were living in an independent country would you join the UK as it currently stands? If no, you should vote YES
Do you want a fair and just society? If yes, then you should vote YES
Do you want affordable childcare? If yes, you should vote YES

Another point I would like to make is that voting YES in the referendum is NOT a vote for the SNP or Alex Salmond - that is like saying voting NO is a vote for David Cameron and the tories. I don't vote SNP generally. I have been a liberal voter until the last election, when they stated they would never back a referendum, let alone independence. I vote Green in the EU elections and am still a liberal/socialist.

I find Labour to be as treacherous to their voters as the LibDems have been. New Labour have completely turned their back on their socialist past, allowing and indeed including new reforms which essentially backs tory reforms. Lamont is a mouthpiece for Milliband, who is a parrot of Cameron. This is why more and more Labour voters are changing position and stating that they will vote YES in September.

Better Together have now started a strategy of guaranteeing Devo max. Devolution to the max is a lie. Lamont and the Better Together campaign cannot guarantee devo max, they are not in power and going by polls, they will not be in power in 2015. If UKIP get in, they want to scrap the Scottish Parliament altogether (where is democracy there?). Cameron and his party will never give devo max powers. this is the proverbial carrot before the donkey. What we will get if a no vote wins is the stick, which is exactly what we got in 1979 when we dared to hope (we voted YES in '79. But Westminster brought in a rule about turnout. We were stamped into the ground after this referendum for trying to leave the UK).

Voting YES is not about separatism, as the BBC and Better Together would have you believe. Scotland will still be part of the commonwealth, still have the Queen as head of state and will still have the pound (I genuinely believe this because we offer too much for the rest of the UK not to give us that). We are geographically linked, we are not going anywhere. We simply want a better future, which most of us cannot see with a Westminster govt. The system is broken beyond repair and Scotland is lucky enough to have an opt out, unlike the rest of the British Isles.

Better Together seem to think that things will improve after a no vote. Where is this coming from? Will the tories suddenly grow a conscience? Will they stop trying to privatise the NHS? Will they continue to waste tax payers money on irrelevancies such as self portraits while millions require foodbanks? Austerity does not work and yet we are subjected to the worst policy we have seen since the 1920s. Osbourne has already told us that cuts will continue for several years, so things will get Worse, not better, over the next few years under a Westminster state.

I genuinely believe we have a chance at a better future as an independent country. I hope you see that too.

On another note, I have written a bit of a sexy witchy/werewolfy/vampirey book. If you like Charlaine Harris, Carrie Vaughn, Patricia Briggs, hopefully you'll like this. It is available on kindle and now in paperback.

My second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

My first book, The Stone in the Sword, is now reduced in price:

Sunday, 22 June 2014

The State of UK politics just now

Politics in the UK at the moment are more than a little messy. Nick Clegg is convinced that his leaving the Liberal Democrat party will not change their stance in the public's opinion, the Tory's are feeling smug that they will likely win the next general election, Labour cannot see that Ed Milliband is not going to work for them as a party leader and Nigel Farage is happy as a pig in mud that his party have done so well, and thinks this is a good sign for the next general election. In Scotland, the Better Together campaign think they are the better off campaign re Scottish Independence! Everyone is delusional just now.

Nick Clegg will never win any popularity with the public if he remains leader of the LibDems. They need to cut off that arm to save the body, as it were. Everyone feels betrayed by a man who saught power for himself and his party over what he could do for his members and the public. Only by getting rid of him can they hope to save their party, or it will disappear into the annuls of history. In Scotland, only by cutting all ties with the UK LibDem party can the Scottish LibDems hope to retain any glimmer of power, any belief from the voters up here. The LibDems north of the border also need to pull their finger out and realise they are missing a huge opportunity here. Many Scots want to stay in Europe but out of the UK. If the UK holds a European referendum, Scotland will be forced out of Europe, as this is what the majority of people in England want. If the LibDems in Scotland can get behind the yes campaign, they can work with the Scottish government in keeping Scotland within Europe.

It really does look like the Tory's will get into power at the next general election, because people are stupid enough to vote for them. Regardless of the number of people having to use foodbanks, or the disintegration of the NHS, people south of the border still prefer them to a Labour government! Things will only get worse for the average person if we are continually subjected to a Conservative government!

Ed Milliband continues to look weak in the public eye and Labour seems to think that sticking with him is the only option! They do seem to have a relatively weak party just now, with no obvious replacements for Milliband, should they decide he won't gain them power (which they won't. I have nothing against Milliband, I'm sure he is a decent person but he is not a strong leader and we need a strong leader). On the Scottish side, Joanned Lamont is still looking weak and sadly, very stupid. She is blindly ignorant of the position she is calling for Scotland to put itself in. Labour cannot and will not win at the next election, so she is saying Scotland would be better under a Conservative govt?!!! Scottish Labour also need to separate themselves from their Westminster counterparts and look to doing the best for the people of Scotland, rather than toe-ing the line of their 'betters' in London.

I was disgusted beyond belief at the sweeping victory UKIP had in the European elections. Come on people! We fought a war to keep fascists out of the UK and you just gave a bunch of them more power!!! If you wanted to make a protest, you could have voted Green, or the Peace Party, for heavens sake, rather than such a destructive alternative! In my opinion, UKIP are fascists, sexisms, racists, bigots and want to class equality. If UKIP gain more power at the next general election (and that is looking quite likely) then you can say goodbye to the minimum wage and all those rights that being a member of the EU affords us. This is a party for white, middle-classed men and no one else! Sadly, it is looking like the next UK govt will either be tory or tory/UKIP coalition!

The Better Together campaign in Scotland are getting nastier and nastier. this is what dirty politics is all about. Fear makes them lash out. They guarantee that we will gain devo max should we vote no. They have no power to make that statement! Alistair Darling has absolutely no right to offer this. Joanne Lamont has no right and no power to guarantee it and yet they continue to do so. if we vote No, Scotland will be subjected to a backlash along the lines of the 1979 backlash, where Scotland was pummeled for even thinking of Independence!

Voting Yes in the Referendum in September is voting for a future of hope, rather than voting of the bleakness of the last 4 years, of reduced benefits, a dissolving NHS and wasting money on Trident! Voting Yes is saying no to nuclear weapons, yes to our NHS, yes t democracy (no matter how we vote in a general election just now, our votes don't count. In an independent Scotland, all votes would count)!

If you want a fair, just society and you are lucky enough to live in Scotland, vote Yes!!

On another note, I have written a bit of a sexy witchy/werewolfy/vampirey book. If you like Charlaine Harris, Carrie Vaughn, Patricia Briggs, hopefully you'll like this. It is available on kindle and now in paperback.

My second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

My first book, The Stone in the Sword, is now reduced in price:

Monday, 10 February 2014

BBC & Scottish Independence Debate

There are many things I could focus on this week, such as what is happening in Socchi, or the flooding of parts of the UK but what I really want to discuss at the moment is what is happening at the BBC with regard to the 'Independence debate'. Over the past year or more I have slowly but surely become more disgusted at the blatant lack of objectivity that the BBC has shown in this debate and in everything surrounding it.

My partner asks me why I am surprised, given how much of a voice-box they have become for the government but I genuinely felt that, as an allegedly independent broadcasting corporation, they would remain impartial. No such luck. The programmes produced over the past few months about Scotland and the Scottish debate have all been from a vote no point of view, nostalgic for 'best of british' and generally negative on anything remotely regarded as being in the yes campaign. There is no proper discussion, merely politician after politician being strutted out in front of thee camera to make comments on why we are safer to stay in the UK.

They do not mention the fact that it is looking more and more likely that the folks south of the border will vote the Tory party in yet again, further rippling those in need and killing off the NHS - something that, yet again, Scotland will have zero say in. If we are to be free of the Conservative party we need to vote yes. If we are to ever decide for ourselves who we want to govern us, we have to vote yes. All the scaremongering in the world from the BBC and the PM cannot change these facts.

I think its about time that the BBC pulled back from the debate completely if they cannot be impartial they should not report anything regarding this topic. It has put me off the BBC to the extent that I have stopped watching anything on the BBC and have switched to other channels.

On another note, I have written a bit of a sexy witchy/werewolfy/vampirey book. If you like Charlaine Harris, Carrie Vaughn, Patricia Briggs, hopefully you'll like this. It is available on kindle and now in paperback.

My second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

My first book, The Stone in the Sword, is now reduced in price:

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Charity Advertising

One of the saddening and angering things about this time of year (just before and a while after Christmas) are the adverts requesting you have your phone/mobile handy to contact charities. The adverts then go on to become the most disgusting pieces of manipulation that you could see on non-fiction television. They seem to be aimed at older people who tend to be more vulnerable to this kind of manipulation, as sadly, because of this kind of hard and cruel television anyone under the age of fifty is becoming immune to the horrors that the world and these so called charities portray.

I must say shame on the charities that really play the pity cards. Rather than having a campaign that is positive or showing the good work charity money is doing, they focus on the horrors they are trying to stop, to guilt people into paying them. I don't like to name names but the kind of ads I am talking about include Anthony Nolan, the animal cruelty prevention campaigns and anything to do with helping blind people in poor countries. I find myself, like many, many others, switching off when these adverts come on because I think they are almost a form of emotional blackmail and it is often the most vulnerable in society who end up giving all they can to these charities.

You should never feel forced into giving to charity - because then it is not charity, it is a form of extortion (I am not claiming that these adverts are extortion).

Because so many groups are opting for these tactics, people in the 21st century tend to suffer compassion fatigue (where you become immune/resistant to helping others because you are saturated with images of horrors or left feeling that the money you donate is not going where you would like it to).

Personally I shall not give a penny to anyone trying to guilt money out of me. I give what I can when I can and no ad campaign will change my views, rather they make me so angry it only makes me turn to charities that do not opt for this kind of money-raising.

I do think that people should give what they can afford to charity, be it time, money, clothing/food etc, because we are all humans and should try to help one another out. I am also aware of the fact that despite the government's attempts to claim otherwise, the average person is still struggling with the recession (even though some would have us believe it is over). This is also a time of year when people have very little left over from the festive season and so I think it is a particularly poor choice of time to begin any kind of campaign trying to raise money.

Please note that I am not trying to decry charities. I am simply saying that I think the adverts some charities choose to produce are vulgar and hitting below the belt.

If you are thinking of giving to charity please choose wisely and please do not allow the kind of adverts mentioned above to choose for you.

On another note, I have written a bit of a sexy witchy/werewolfy/vampirey book (not erocita, but sexy). If you like Charlaine Harris, Carrie Vaughn, Patricia Briggs, hopefully you'll like this. It is available on kindle and now in paperback.

My second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

My first book, The Stone in the Sword, is now reduced in price: