
Tuesday, 16 February 2016

2016: Jeremy Hunt, Human Rights, Fracking and all that

This week sees more and more Victorian-esque methods being brought in by the Tory party with regards to the NHS, working hours and what we can and cannot boycott, as well as the usual ill treatment of anyone on benefits but even more so those on disability.

Where do we stand with regard to human rights abuses? I had heard that the EU were investigating abuses by the Conservative party but have heard nothing of whether they were going to take any action.

And this while the UK faces an in/out referendum on the EU. The fact that we have the EU to turn to while these violations occurs should be reason enough to stay in but no, people are too blind or stupid to see that we will be even worse off if we leave Europe. We have minimum wages because of the EU, not to mention maximum number of hours to work, regulations on why and how we are fired or disciplined - all of these vanish as soon as we leave. Frankly I find it contemptible that politicians in Westminster are trying to encourage us to leave the EU - the same politicians who told Scotland that we would be better together. Frankly, I'd rather be free of WM and IN the EU but that's not happening, so far.

Jeremy Hunt was recently voted d*ck of the year by viewers of the Channel 4 show The Last Leg. For those of you who have no idea who this vile little excuse for a man is (and that really is an insult to men), he is the Health Secretary for the UK government. He is doing everything he possibly can to ruin and privatise the NHS. He is currently trying to work what he terms as 'junior doctors' into the ground - offering them less wages for more hours than a shelf stacker would receive in Aldi or other supermarkets. I use quotation marks for junior doctors because this is anyone below consultancy level, regardless of age, years experience or anything. It is a way to try to patronise and diminish them and their work.

Mr Hunt is currently the subject of a petition of no confidence that is rapidly gaining signatures. The man should resign before he is forced out but tories are a breed that don't know when to bow out - they would rather be shamed into submission. RT article on this: If you would like to sign it here is the link: Petition. It currently (17/02/16 has over 301,800 signatures!!

Something else that is on the agenda this year is the Scottish Parliament elections. While I intended to vote SNP in this, to show my utter contempt for other parties who formed the 'better together' campaign, I feel more reluctant than ever to do so. I am a strong opponent of fracking and the SNP have not yet stated that they will all out ban any possibility of fracking in Scotland. This makes me pause and look more towards the Scottish Green Party. I know many others are equally frustrated at the SNP playing both sides in this argument.

Fracking is, simply put, an environmental disaster waiting to happen. It is ecologically, geologically and biologically (human health) unsound and dangerous. All you have to do is look to the US for confirmation of how detrimental it is to local environs, people's health and to the stability of a region (earthquakes as a direct result of fracking). We are in the 21st Century - well into it now. Using barbaric, non-essential techniques like this is ridiculous, especially in such an oil rich country. There is not a single benefit to fracking, except lining the pockets of politicians. Frankly, I do not want these politicians in power!

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scotland about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback: The Island of the Mist is book 2 The Stone in the Sword is book 1 The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats: The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

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