This week we have seen the publishing of the Leveson Report and now David Cameron, who commissioned the inquiry and the report, looks to be wanting to ignore Leveson's recommendations. So I find myself thinking, what the hell was the point in the first place?
At great expense to the tax-payer, this inquiry now appears to have been a big waste of time, money and the emotion of the victims of the press' unethical probing.
I say this because the illegal activities of the press are being, and would have been dealt with by the police anyway, so this inquiry really has been a waste.
Cameron says he wants to do things properly, to be fair - well letting the press off with their unethical and amoral behavior is not the way to go about that. In 1990 the Press Complaints Committee were faced with a similar situation and the press said they would behave, that those activities would never happen again - well they did and if Cameron does not bring in independent regulation, then there is a very good chance this is going to happen again in another decade or so. The press will behave for a short time (as they have done on the 6 previous occasions when something like this occurred), but that behaviour will slip and they will go back to their old habits.
Cameron needs to grow some testicles and talk the press by the bull-horn and bring in an independent regulator. Simple as that. this does not impinge freedom of the press, it does not prevent them from going after stories. It protects the public and prevents them from (or severely punishes them for) amoral behaviour.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone a happy St Andrew's Day :D
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
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