
Monday, 8 October 2012

Conservative Party Looking More and More Anti-Women

As the Conference progresses, The Conservative party are looking more and more to be 'old boys' together now than ever before!

To add to this, Cameron has stated he is for lowering the amount of time a woman can have an abortion and Jemery Hunt has advised 12 weeks! Many women don't know they are pregnant in the first 10-12 weeks!

If this was your daughter and she was 16, had been raped, would you condemn her to being a 'suitcase' for the rest of her term because you cannot abide the thought of a woman having control over decisions regarding her own body?

Women have campaigned for decades to have rights that men have had for a very long time. There is a definite backslide in the UK just now with regards to the rights of women. It is truly disgusting and I fear it will get worse.

All this from a government that Scotland/Wales and N Ireland did not vote for!

Shame on the Tories!

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

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