
Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Tax avoiders in big business

The overnmen are trying to cut the deficit by bleeding the poor dry, crippling those most in need and making them out to be criminals rather than tackling big business tax dodgers.

If anyone has been watching The Revolution Will be Televised on BBC3 (available on IPlayer), you will be aware of the fact that certain companies are making hundreds of millions in the UK but avoid taxes by putting ter offices in other countries, such as Switzerland etc.

These companies include Apple - a company that pays pennies to havetheir products made in China and charges hundreds of pounds in the UK (and elsewhere) to custom. Their profits are astrnomical!

I was surpised to learn that Boots the Chemist was also in his group of cmpanies that leech from the British public and do not give back. I have therefore stopped buying fom Boots and will not buy anoher apple product until tis is rectified.

These companies, and many others, should be charged with tax avoidance and billed. The figure given in the above show for both compnies was smethng in the region of £100,000,000. That wouldo quite a way to helpin bringhe economy in the UK back into balance.

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Monday, 24 September 2012

Today is the beginning of the Lib Dem Conference and we have seen MP after MP waxing lyrical about the state of the nation and what has been happening since they joined the coalition.

No one has, so far, mentioned (on the record, on the stage) that Nick Clegg should resign. They laud his apology, mas though this is enough to make up for the bare-faced lies the Lib Dems uttered to get the votes they received in the last election.

In order to survive beyond the next election, the Lib Dems must face up to the fact that Nick Clegg is viewed not only as damaged goods, but falty goods at that. No longer will the general public look on this man as honest, decent or anything other than the sell-out he is.

Here in Scotland, as I said in my previous post, the Lib Dems must break away from the national party if they are to survive beyond 2014. This is more than simple opinion, this is stating fact. They lost so many votes to the SNP and Labour that they will not gain any seats and will probably lose most if not all of their current seats in Parliament. This is what happens when you so blatantly go back on your word.

As I also mentioned in my last post, the fact that they are so against the independence referendum, let alone independence, is another blow to a great many Scots, given the show of force at the March for Independence in Edinburgh on Saturday, 22nd September. More and more people are now moving to a yes vote for independence, given what the tory government has done to the whole of the UK, a government that Scotland did not vote for. We have fewer tory seats than almost any other part of the UK.

Finally, I would like to mention the disgust I have for both the PM and for the minister, Andrew Mitchell, whom no one had heard of prior to today, for the latters outburst at the police and for the PM backing him.

Mr Mitchell verbally attacked 2 police officers who were DOING THEIR JOB by not letting him in to Downing Street. They did not recognise him and followed procedure. He verbally attacked them, calling them 'plebs' in a show of utter disregard.

Many people may have noticed an increase in police activity in the last week, after the 2 WPC's were so awfull and sadly murdered. They have been putting on a show of strength and solidarity and this minister shows with audacity and unrespectful disregard how little he thinks of the police force. Shame on you Andrew Mitchell, Shame.

On another note, my second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Politics in Scotland today

I was watching the Daily Politics today and of course, Thursday is Scottish First Minister's Questions. I would like to say that I am glad these parliamentary pieces are far less like a tantrum and more like actual politics.

One thing that continually gets me is Joanne Lamont's use of a script. I understand the need for paper notes re statistics and quotes from other people but she blatantly reads a script as though there are no original or intellegent thoughts in her head. I'm not trying to have a go at her, I just think she needs to understand the issues (real issues, not having a go at one stupid point, but real issues) and know what stance her party has on it. I do think that this lady is a completely ineffectual party leader for Labour. I personally would not vote for them given her argumentativeness.

The average person wants our politicians to get along, to actually agree with good judgements and good policy and politely put across their own ideas if they don't agree. The spirit should be co-operation.

The Liberal Democrat Party and the Labour Party need to learn something. They cannot blindly ignore many voters and categorically state that they are against independence because they are starting to look more and more like ostriches with their heads in the sand.

I will let you in on a secret - I used to vote Liberal. When they stated they would not back independence I switched to SNP. If we gain independence there's a good chance I won't vote SNP ever again (that depends on the parties and their policies for the country's future). I also vote Green as my second choice, because I feel that we need to look after our environment if we want to continue to breathe lovely fresh air.

Willie Rennie is a great Liberal Party MP, he is intellegent, articulate and, well, liberal. I agree with a few of his views but I really feel that the Scottish Liberals need to cuts themselves away from the national party or they will never gain seats again. In fact, I would go as far as to say that there is a very good chance the party will cease to exist after the next general election given the betrayal everyone feels in their siding with the tories.

Later in the programme, Andrew Neil spoke with Leanne Wood, Party Leader of Plaid Cymru. She had a lot of interesting things to say but one thing I really picked up on and loved is that she said regardless of the outcome of the Scottish referendum everything would change after it and that we needed (by we she meant Scotland, England, N Ireland and Wales) a standing of equality. I thought this was a wonderful thing for a politician to say.

This is the main issue a lot of people do not realise. They assume that Scotland is anti-English and we want to break away from the union for that reason. This is utter rubbish. We want independence because we want to take responsibility for ourselves and to be on an equal footing with the rest of the UK. I have several English friends, some of whom will vote for independence and some who possibly won't. I do think that many English people in Scotland will feel somehow threatened if we gained independence. Scotland is a modern liberal country, we want equality in all forms and no-one is going to be excluded.

I also think that Labour, who are curently in majority in the Welsh Assembly, are not benefiting Wales in any way, shape or form just now. in fact, I feel that the voice of the Welsh is being lost in Westminster even more than that of the Scottish.

I have not seen anything recently re Northern Irish politics so I cannot at present comment on this area. I hope they are in a better position than the rest of the UK at present.

On a final note, England needs representation as England, not just as Britain. I do feel that the voice of the average English person is also being drowned out in Westminster. It seems to me that Westminster is filled with upper middle-classed men who are concerned first and foremost with their own money issues than anything to do with doing the right thing for the UK.

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Tory PM anti-women?

I was watching the Prime Minister's Question Time at lunchtime today and was, yet again, disgusted at their toddler-like behaviour. I do get sick of these twats acting like children in a playground, jeering at one another and not (in the PM's case) answering questions put to him. I think both sides are as bad as each other and I think that it is appalling that the world can see our politicians acting in this manner!

It does not bode well on the global view of the UK.

Something else I'd like to mention is the point a member of the opposition made. Cameron has put 5, yes, 5, of his former minsters (men) up for Knighthood but has not put a single female former minister up to receive dame-ship(?).

While I don't think Cameron is a mysoginist I do think he is a fully blown, public school chauvenist. He doesn't appear to hate women, I just feel he thinks they belong in the kitchen. Figures also show this, given that there are far fewer women in jobs than there were 3 years ago under the last government.

The government is not pro-women. It appears to be pushing women back into 1970's standards.

On another note, Tory MP's are coming out against the T-shirts celebrating Thatcher's inevitable demise. Currently 86, the iron lady is said to be in poor health. Tory MP's have used words like 'sickening' and 'monstrous' to describe the t-shirts, some of which state RIP Thatcher, with a tombstone on them, etc.

This shows how far removed from the nation these MP's really are. No one north of the Scottish border likes her, or west of the Welsh border, or north of Croydon for that matter. This woman brought pain and ruination to the whole of the UK, with the exception of the SE. She is almost univerally hated in the UK. I would use words like 'sickening' and 'monstrous' to describe what she did to our industries, NHS and a whole host of other issues. Two words that the Tories will NEVER be forgiven for - POLL TAX.

Enough said.

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

And you can still obtain the first book, The Stone in the Sword:

Monday, 10 September 2012

Rain and more rain

A new report has emerged that states that the bad weather this summer has 'cost rural britain £1bn'!

A report by the BBC's Countryfile has cost up to £1bn - as a result of rotting crops, wet fields, diminished tourism (countryside and stately homes, gardens etc).

One of the biggest worries about this is the low crop yields. This, alas, has not been restricted to the UK, and many countries that support our food industry have also suffered.

This is one of the main reasons that food prices are creeping up - low rice yields in China, damaged crops in E Europe for wheat/bread broducts. Even the cost of feeding animals has increased. The wet weather has meant mud in fields instead of grass and so many farmers have had to buy in more feed than usual. This is in turn added on to the sale price of the animals as they go to market.

As someone who lives on a garden, open to the public, and also which grows its own veg, I too have noticed issues. Fewer visitors, much heavier rain, tomatoes which did not grow at all and several other veg that had to be ditched as they were not good enough for consumption.

Here's hoping next year will be kinder!

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Monday, 3 September 2012

Iran and Women

Iran is facing world disaproval over its current decisions. It has moved to omit women from universities and there is now a bill going through parliament to allow girls under the age of 10 to marry!!

This is beyond horrific - it is the legaisation of paedophilia! There is currently a petition circling facebook to stop this - going to the Iranian Parliament. However, it is expected that the views of anyone outside the country will be taken into account.

The truly disgusting thing is that the proposer of this latter law is saying that this is according to Islamic law. This is, quite frankly, a load of shit. Islam does not agree with this. This is the personal view of a sick individual who is pushing Iran back into the times of barbarians.

Some countries around the world are looking for reasons to invade Iran. They seem to be doing there damdest to give them a reason!

Islam, according to several Islamic friends of mine, does not hate women. It does not think women are second class citizems. Why then is Iran so set on dehumanising woemn, on pushing women to the back of the line and treating them as nothing more than property? This is not a country living in the 21st century.

I was so pleased to see Iran in the Olympics and Paralympics but this has jaded that pleasure. This was not a show of inclusion, this was a show that they won't back down from anything. I am sadly but utterly disgusted by the events taking place ina country I was hoping would be trying to join the rest of the world.

I pity the women of Iran.


On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin