
Thursday, 19 January 2012

Sad State of Politics in Scotland

There’s been so much in the news the past week or so, I don’t know where to begin. Well, I do. I was watching the Scottish Parliament today and was yet again disgusted by the behaviour of Johann Lamont. I have no idea why she was elevated to leader of the Labour Party. I just cannot see it. She lacks the intelligence required and (the reason I was so angry) rather than debating the issues, she simply flung insults aimed directly at Alex Salmond. Whether you like the man or not is irrelevant. This kind of behaviour should not be acceptable. It makes them look like children.

I think if Labour are to survive in Scotland, they need a far more articulate and intelligent leader, one who can rise above the mudslinging. Siding with the Conservative Party has made them even less popular. They truly need to look at where they are going before they end up going nowhere.

The issue she raised today was regarding unemployment in Scotland, regurgitating the 200 people a day are becoming unemployed in Scotland. I don’t know where she got this figure but it just is not correct. That is more than a thousand people a week and this would most certainly have made national news. Demanding to know what the First Minister was doing about it folly on her side. If Scots know one thing, it is that Salmond is bending over backwards to bring new business, and in the process, new jobs to Scotland, and so he is doing a great deal. The Labour Party are falling in the polls because people see them as ineffective, offensive, childish and lacking anything beneficial to bring to the table.

Equally ineffective is Conservative leader, Ruth Davidson. While she is highly articulate and clearly intelligent, all she seems to be able to talk about is when will Salmond meet with the Secretary for Scotland, rather than the Prime Minister. As far as the majority of Scotland are concerned, Salmond is on equal footing with the PM and should therefore be meeting him, not being handed down to Mr Moore.

What politicians continually fail to understand is that most people don’t care about ‘the party’ they care about their livelihoods, health, welfare and safety. If politicians would work together and not bicker like children, maybe they, as a whole, would be a little less disliked.

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Friday, 13 January 2012

Shocking US Marine Video

The shocking images of 4 US Marine troops urinating on dead Afghans was released yesterday to outcries of disrespect, injustice and downright dishonour. A US military investigation followed and they have been identified. 2 of these men have been interviewed and are believed to be from a battalion from North Carolina.

At the very least, these men should be given dishonourable discharges and have charges placed against them. Surely this is a war crime. They are meant to be protecting and training Afghans, not killing and peeing on them. It is not known whether these men were Taliban or not but regardless, this kind of behaviour is not acceptable. When will they realise that the more they disrespect other cultures and individuals, the worse they look in the public eye? The American military has a great deal to do in appeasing the Afghanistan people after an act like this.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Independence for Scotland

At the moment I am angry at the current political situation in Scotland. We have Tories in Westminster telling us when we should hold a referendum on the future of this country and lying blatantly about the state of business in Scotland – stating that businesses are uncertain re the future because of the possibility of independence and yet we know for a fact that since the SNP obtained a majority, businesses have been knocking at our doors wanting in.

This is blatant scaremongering and it should not be allowed in a genuine debate.
I am also disgusted that the only thing Labour and Conservatives have ever agreed on is that we should stay in the union! Fair enough, the Conservatives (and indeed the near extinct Liberals) should be worried, they have how many seats in the Scottish Parliament? But Labour, to me, are simply betraying their constituencies by backing the union, backing a Tory government and clearly not supporting Scotland. I thought Johann Lamont would be smarter and brighter than that.
2 points for England here:
• Given the disdain among the people of Scotland for the Tories, and latterly the Lib Dems, the loss of six million votes against their parties in a British general election would only serve to increase their majority and chances of holding onto power for longer in Westminster.
• How do the people of England feel about Scottish MP’s voting on English/Welsh issues when English and Welsh MP’s do not get to vote on Scottish issues? This is a complete imbalance and not fair on English and Welsh citizens.
I find it laughable when people say that Scotland is not ready for independence, given that we have one of the best business records at present in the UK. We have international companies investing in us such as Amazon and Nissan, just to name a couple.

Another thing that really annoys me is that some people put the SNP on a par with the hideous BNP. This could not be further from the truth. The SNP are not in any way shape or form an exclusionary party. There are Asian and English members/MP’s who contribute greatly to the party, but this is never mentioned in the press. The SNP stands for Scottish National Party, NOT Scottish Nationalists Party. There is a huge difference. This is not an anti-English party either, as many people believe, it is simply pro Scotland.

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Every Little Helps? Shame on Tesco

Not shamed by being in the news at the end of last year, Tesco continue to rip people off at every turn!

While in Tesco's recently (the only reason I went was because it was the next closest shop since we can no longer get to Kyle with the road closure) to get a few essentials when I happened to spot a 'bargain' as I was leaving the shop. Walkers French Fries - stated to be normally £4.18 were half price for the 18 pack! Now who in their right mind would spend £4.18 in the first place on crisps, and especially for these little snack, I don't know. But What is more astonishing is that the last time I was in Morrison's in Inverness, the same make was selling 24 packs for £2.00! This is a huge difference in price. Clearly Tesco do not appear to care about their customers, telling the truth or genuine bargains.

Sure there is a branch of the trading standards somewhere who can look into this clear breach of conduct and force them to price fairly, honestly and in line with other supermarkets?

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Storms and binge drinking

Happy New Year!

Lets hope 2012 is a far better year than 2011 for everyone, and not the end of the world as some people seem to think :)

Storms continue to batter the UK, especially the north. Scotland faced more blizzards and high winds during the week, this not long after 'hurricane bawbag' ravaged the land. The news is full of images of the damage done by the winds across the central belt especially, where gales reached up to 102 miles per hour in the Edinburgh area!

And on another note, the government are trying to tackle binge drinking at the moment. An easy way of dealing with this is taxing supermarkets so they have to push prices up. It would bring in an extra income for the government and it would mean people can't buy as much - and hopefully head for a pub for a pint, giving them a bit more money too.