A bigot, Stephen Birrell, faces up to 8 months in jail after posting sectarian comments on facebook. These posts occurred days after he was released from a 12 month sentence. Clearly, a stint in prison has done nothing to curb his tongue (or typing in this case).
One of the many things that really annoy me about this is that technically, this is a breach of freedom of speech. Firstly, I would like to say that I totally abhor any form of ism - racism, ageism, sectarianism etc - they are the most pathetic excuses for disliking someone. Secondly, everyone in the UK is entitled to say what they like, as long as it is not threatening. Thirdly, having read some of the abusing posts, it is more pathetic than threatening, more stupid than personal. The posts are simply the drivelling rants of a small child-like mind.
Given that this idiot just left jail, clearly being behind bars has done nothing to rehabilitate him.
Rather than wasting the public's money by housing and feeding this eijit, I think it would be far more beneficial to set him up with community service working with catholics and for anyone particularly offended to sue the pants off him.
While I know this is deterrant for the bigger picture of football hooliganism, I do think we can better spend public money.
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