At this time of year, money is tight for everyone, and yet businesses like fuel suppliers tend to increase their fees during the winter months, essentially hitting you while you're down. They are well aware that few people have much to spend, and that bills are always considerably higher at this time (it's colder, we need more heating, it's not rocket science!) and yet they decide that this is the time of year they'll increase their charge.
Why? Darned if I know, I think they just like to get the boot in while they can.
What can we do about it? Change provider. Look at sites such as
and for alternatives. you won't get a large reduction but at least you'll be telling your current provider that their extortionate rates are not acceptable, and they won't get loyalty from you when they can't offer that same loyalty for standing customers.
There are other ways to try to keep the costs down - have a look at this article for some
Money Saving Tips
Hoping your bills won't be astronomical this winter x
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