
Monday, 10 February 2014

BBC & Scottish Independence Debate

There are many things I could focus on this week, such as what is happening in Socchi, or the flooding of parts of the UK but what I really want to discuss at the moment is what is happening at the BBC with regard to the 'Independence debate'. Over the past year or more I have slowly but surely become more disgusted at the blatant lack of objectivity that the BBC has shown in this debate and in everything surrounding it.

My partner asks me why I am surprised, given how much of a voice-box they have become for the government but I genuinely felt that, as an allegedly independent broadcasting corporation, they would remain impartial. No such luck. The programmes produced over the past few months about Scotland and the Scottish debate have all been from a vote no point of view, nostalgic for 'best of british' and generally negative on anything remotely regarded as being in the yes campaign. There is no proper discussion, merely politician after politician being strutted out in front of thee camera to make comments on why we are safer to stay in the UK.

They do not mention the fact that it is looking more and more likely that the folks south of the border will vote the Tory party in yet again, further rippling those in need and killing off the NHS - something that, yet again, Scotland will have zero say in. If we are to be free of the Conservative party we need to vote yes. If we are to ever decide for ourselves who we want to govern us, we have to vote yes. All the scaremongering in the world from the BBC and the PM cannot change these facts.

I think its about time that the BBC pulled back from the debate completely if they cannot be impartial they should not report anything regarding this topic. It has put me off the BBC to the extent that I have stopped watching anything on the BBC and have switched to other channels.

On another note, I have written a bit of a sexy witchy/werewolfy/vampirey book. If you like Charlaine Harris, Carrie Vaughn, Patricia Briggs, hopefully you'll like this. It is available on kindle and now in paperback.

My second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

My first book, The Stone in the Sword, is now reduced in price: