
Sunday, 8 April 2012

Stupid Prime Minister

We really are in a sorry state, are we not, the people of the UK, with a Prime Minister so stupid he causes mass panic and shortages of fuel!

What kind of an idiot comments like Cameron? And what kind of stupid person listens to him? For a start, if there were to be strikes, the public must be given 7 days notice and yet everyone blindly fell for his prattle and ran for the nearest fuel pump!

When will we learn to think before we act? When do we stop becoming sheep and start to think for ourselves. When, oh when do we tell Cameron to stick it and put someone with even half a brain in charge?

Most people seem to forget that we are the power. If the people want change then WE have to make it happen. Contact your local MP and tell them what you want done instead of following a stupid, blind and excessively ignorant twat!