
Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Money really doesn't grow on trees

With money so thin on the ground as to be almost non-existent, what is a person to do about their dire financial circumstances?

The first thing anyone must do is look at what you are entitled to with regard to Benefits and Working Tax Credit.
Selling items on the likes of EBay is another way to get rid of a few items you are not using.

Jobs are few and far between at the moment, so if one comes up, apply for it if it is within your capabilities.

Not sure what else to do, why not go for a bit of rep sales work, such as Betterware, Avon and Kleeneze.

This is the time of year where it is possible to ask for a pay rise. While many employers will not entertain this it is possible and you should not feel that you cannot ask.

This article covers a few more tips on how to make extra cash.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

The Pitiful NHS

The NHS is in deep trouble. I don't mean financially, I mean Personnel.

Medical staff (especially nurses but doctors also) used to care about patient welfare, it used to be a 'calling'. Now people are attracted to the job for the salary and patient care has gone out the window.

I do not wish to call out all nurses and doctors, there are always exceptions to any rule. There are people in the medical profession who genuinely care and want what is best for the patient but these people are few and far between in what is becoming a 'careless' environment.

Dispatches on Channel 4 recently did an expose on the lack of care, respect and consideration for patients by the NHS. It was shocking and sadly, one patient mirrored a situation in my own life.

We are a society of greedy money-mongers and in order to get the care we need, the care we deserve, we need to ensure that the RIGHT people take care of us. I'm not sure how we should go about this. perhaps reducing the salary of those in medicine, to ensure that the greedy do not apply. Perhaps they should take psychology tests prior to interviews? Who knows. What I do know is that something must change. Human beings deserve better than they are being treated by the NHS currently.

Peace out.